Monday, July 4, 2011

Calalilies and Kittens

                                                Izze, my cat :3

Mckenna /blackberry

Sunday, July 3, 2011

I Wish I Could Give This An Exciting Title, But I Can't, So I'm Calling It: Photos. Original, Eh?

See title above.

These pictures aren't anywhere near what you'd call "cool," "unique," or even "good" photography. They are just photographs I took to document some events. Like my brother on the rope swing and turkeys.

 Okay, I lied. This one is alright. 

 My far-from-average brother, Ryan, in the tree with the rope swing.

 And again.


A kind-of-blurry photo of plumeria flowers.

Yellow hibiscus flower in weird lighting.

 Froggy! Or, I should say, toad. Toady.

 Same toady. 

 Baby bird!


 Baby and Mama bird(:

 Another baby bird...

 A very awesome chicken. I mean hen. I mean rooster.

 And again. Same chicken/hen/rooster.


 Me and other people in front of a big tree. I'm in the jean shorts and blue tee (yes, I know I look like a dork. It's not my fault. Don't judge me.)

 A view of the island.

A cool plant. I have no idea what it's called.