Thursday, April 28, 2011


Hi,It's AnnaLee here.
Just felt like posting so I will

 My friend's pet hermit crab
 another shot of him
here's one more

Just felt like posting those.
See ya,


HI! These are some photos i took. Most of them are edited, some of them arent though.
                                        fake flower
                           Pencils and pens.
               My red mask....
Blackberry/Mckenna =D

Puddle Stomping

I <3 spring here in MN.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Huzzah For Pictures... And Computer Effects

My first post here(: I want to thank Toria for creating this blog, and adding me as an author or whatever Blogger calls 'em. And thanks to all you other author-people for your inspiring photography.
Anyhoo - on to the pictures. And yes, these are taken by a crappy camera xP And again, yes, they are also all on my DeviantArt page.

Feetsies. And they're orange!  ...Thanks to the computer. I'm not an Oompa-Loompa.

More feet. With more effects. My friend said it looked like I was stepping on a piece of cardboard with a bite taken out of it. This is not true - I'm stepping on a lily pad.

*Ahem* more effects....

Lily! With, um, more effects xP

Boots! These are one of my few pictures that don't have noticeable effects.

And, well, that's that.
Sorry for the overuse of computer effects. I abuse those effects, I use them so often...

Stay excellent,


Yay, spring is here! I can wear shorts :D Teh flowers are blooming! Full view please!

This one^^ is my fave (full view plz :D )

iPod pics

Trying to take good pics with a crappy camera


I'm a bit hyper right now. Anyway, should I edit my pictures? Here's one I edited.

(that was fast)

I guess I'll edit some. But I won't do the watermark. That was an experiment
If you like my photos enough to use, YAY

Here's one more


A Theme of Water

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

yay :D

The pelican's name is Brian and the cat is Tassy

The Tension of a Water Droplet in Suspension

Flowers and plants

Hi. Its mckenna. Today i took some photos of flowers and plants at my therapist office.Here are some of them!

                              White rose.
                                        Tree tops
                             bush thing  
                            another bush 
                             pink rose


Sara/Dreamer :)