Friday, April 22, 2011

Picture Montage

Pictures! :D
 rock em' sock em' robots
 purple flower
 white flower
 another purple flower
guitar frets
 bro being crazy on 4th of July
 chain of a swing
 European money
 pretty blooms on my neighbor's tree
 brick wall
 poor doggy :(
 me and my other bro when he is about to leave for Spain
 bro and me in Michigan
 HAMBURGER BIRTHDAY CAKE! no, it's not REALLY a hamburger
 yay for camera!
 Marty opening his Christmas present
 awesomeness with sparklers
 "popcorn" at the high school's after prom(it's open to the public before it starts)
 Marty enjoying his new bed :P
 Tom's Mom's Cookies in Michigan(SOME OF THE BEST COOKIES EVER)
 snow from Dec. or Jan.
 my bro rocks
 my other bro rocks
 on the beach in Michigan(had to edit this cause there were drips of water/sweat on my face :\)
 Crossroads in Memphis :)
 me being crazy on a stage in Memphis
 a dog that lives in a store in Good Hart, Michigan
 my brother "Ron" being crazy
awesomeness(no, I didn't make this)

Yay! :D Sorry they're out of order. :P Still cool though.



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